Free ePrescribing

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PDC Rx understands the challenges facing all healthcare providers when prescribing medications - particularly controlled substances. Our solution is a cloud-based, complimentary e-prescribing platform in which prescriptions can be sent and signed securely, from anywhere, thus ensuring timeliness of medication fills and compliance with Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances (EPCS) mandates.

PDC Rx allows your hospice to choose the ePrescribing software you prefer. No matter what you choose, PDC Rx will still pay for it. Not only we will pay for it, but we will also integrate with the ePrescribing software so that your patient demographics and medications load without manual entry.

ePrescribing Benefits:

1.       Accountability – everything is documented with a specific user/doctor and is time-stamped. This makes investigating a prescription very simple.

2.     Compliance – in most states there are mandates that require all controlled substances to be sent electronically.

3.      Efficiency – the hospice medical director can sign for controlled substances from anywhere at any time with their smartphone. Faxing and calling in prescriptions are no longer necessary, thus saving your staff time by eliminating phone calls.

4.     Refills – scheduling refills for medications can be automated when using an eprescribing software. This eliminates the need to remember to order your patients a refill.

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